The brochures were developed based on the research findings in a collaborative process with partners. Each brochure is targeted to a specific audience with specific knowledge needs and is available in three formats: printable in color, printable in black and white, and a one-page computer graphic that can be viewed on screen.
For physicians
The physician brochure focuses on good practice in assessing severely limited capacity for employment.
ATTENTION: Note that for the formats to be printed, it is necessary to select « print on short edges » on your printer.
For professionals
The brochure for professionals in the health and social services network and in community settings addresses the crucial support role they can offer to beneficiaries and physicians in the process of assessing severely limited capacity for employment and accessing the social solidarity program.
ATTENTION: Note that for the formats to be printed, it is necessary to select « print on short edges » on your printer.
For social assistance recipients
The brochure for beneficiaries demystifies the process of accessing the social solidarity program in 5 steps.
ATTENTION: Note that for the formats to be printed, it is necessary to select « print on short edges » on your printer.
Sophie Coulombe, research professional
Nadia Giguère, principal researcher
David Barbeau, co-researcher
Stéphane Handfield, research professional